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Dear Goethe University employees: Below you will find information on coronavirus-compatible occupational health and safety, which will of course be updated and extended as the situation develops.

To the extent that their tasks and technicalequipment allow, and as long as their physical presence at their workplace isnot required, Goethe University employees should work remotely in in homeoffice in coordination with their supervisor until further notice. Employeeswhose presence is required for the maintenance of teaching, administration andinfrastructure operation may work on site at the university under strictobservance of the RKI standards. This includes employees in technicaloperations and administration, researchers and university teaching staff.Researchers are requested to give priority to research work and tasks that canbe carried out remotely or from home. For research projects on the campuses,RKI standards also apply.

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Before commencing work, employees must be briefed (see documentation form under information sheets and documents).

RKI regulations for working at computer/office work spaces and in laboratories

  • Until further notice,the SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety standards of the Federal Ministry of Labourand Social Affairs and the standards in the corresponding instructions of theState of Hesse continue to apply to office and evaluation spaces: Officespaces, regardless of their previous occupancy, may only be occupied by oneperson. If capacities on site are not sufficient for this, alternating workshould be organised: switching between working from the office and from home orremotely, as well as employees alternating their use of the office.
    If occupancy byseveral employees is absolutely necessary for official reasons (maintainingoperations and infrastructure / or of teaching and research), this is onlypossible with advance clearance from the university Occupational Safety Office.It must be reviewed in advance whether the use of additional technicalprotective measures is necessary, and whether the ventilation requirements canbe complied with. Please direct your questions to krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de.
  • Laboratory spaces may only occupied so that depending on their size, a distance of at least 2 metres is guaranteed.
  • Office and laboratory spaces must be sufficiently ventilated, and/or be regularly aired;
  • Regular cleaning of surfaces and sanitation facilities must be ensured;
  • The personal measures for infection protection in accordance with the RKI provisions must be observed:
    • Hand hygiene (washing with soap for at least 20 seconds)
    • Keeping distance (at least 2 metres),
    • Cough and sneezing etiquette (cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm).

In those units that are necessary for maintaining emergency operations, effective substitute regulations must be made in coordination with supervisors.

Risk Groups

Please take special note: special protectivemeasures must be taken for employees who belong to a risk group. Please see this document for explanations on RKI risk groups. Please note: a risk evaluation is very complex, and an unambiguousdesignation of belonging to a risk group is therefore not possible. A medicalevaluation in the form of a confirmation by doctor's certificate or attestation(issued by a specialist or family physician) is therefore is necessary. This isto be submitted to human resources on request. The doctor's attestationcertifies that you are “a person with an increased risk for a severe COVID-19disease progression' in accordance with the information and support by the RKI (German). The precise diagnosis should not be stated. The attestationwill not be put on file.

Individuals with an increased risk for a severe COVID-19 disease progression may not have changing contacts with the general public / customers. It must be checked whether this can be ensured, for example by working alone ina single office or by alternating a workspace. It should also be checked whether working remotely or from home is feasible.If these measures are ruled out, the employees in question are to be releasedfrom work.This also applies to employees who live in the same household with individuals in need of care. Parents of children who due to the closure of day-care facilities and schools are unable to organise care for their children may also work remotely or from home in consultation with their immediate supervisor. Special regulations also apply for employees who are pregnant (PDF, German)


Despite regularoperations in childcare facilities and schools, many parents are still obliged to take careof their children on a greater scale. The option of working from home orremotely in coordination with one's supervisor continues therefore to be the preferred choice in such cases. If, due to (partial)closures, you cannot perform your work or can only do so partially due tothe care situation, a (partial) release from work is possible under certainconditions. You can find the process flow including the correspondingrequirements and necessary documentation here (German).

Forms (German):


If you areill and the submission of a certificate of incapacity on the third day ofillness is currently not possible in time, it should be submitted as soon aspossible. Failing to submit the initial or subsequent certificate will notresult in disciplinary action for the time being. In the event of prolongedillness, however, it is important that the certificate of incapacity issubmitted to the personnel services department in a timely manner to ensure thecontinued payment of salary. The submission of the certificates as a scan is acceptableas a temporary solution; the originals may be sent afterward by post.

Home office / working remotely

According to the SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety standards of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs “Office work (...) is to be carried out from home if possible, especially if office spaces have to be used by several people with insufficient safety distance.' Determining whether it is possible for tasks to be fulfilled from home or remotely must be done in consultation with one's supervisor. For remote work or work from home, the daily planned working time applies. Furthermore, it is possible to work in an office on site if the RKI standards are observed. If it is neither possible to work on site under observance of the RKI standards, nor from home or remotely, employees are to be sent home with pay until further notice. These rules also apply for work performed by auxiliary staff or student/research assistants.


Vacation already approved is to be taken as planned – also for reasons of solidarity with other employees regarding the distribution of work and free time. There is no right of cancellation. In exceptional cases, a mutual agreement can be made between employees and supervisors for a different vacation period if that employee's work is urgently needed during the originally planned vacation period.

Options provided by the University Computing Centre for using IT services from home:

For thosereturning from international high-risk areas the following regulation applies:

An official at-homequarantine must be observed for 10 days. The quarantine may be lifted if an RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 taken five days after entry at the earliest has a negative result.

Due the changed pandemic situation, the city of Frankfurt decreed througha change on 27 October 2020 to the general ruling that a mandate to wear amouth-and-nose covering also extends to public spaces outside of buildingsbeginning immediately. This also applies to the open spaces on GoetheUniversity's Westend Campus. Here, too, the wearing of a mouth-and-nose coveringis now mandatory for all persons on the premises.

In accordance with the updated Coronavirus Regulation of the State of Hessen whichgoes into effect on 1 December 2020, a mouth-and-nose covering must between worn intraffic areas, event rooms, meeting rooms and examination rooms at GoetheUniversity.

According to the state regulation, the obligation to wear mouth-and-nose protection in work areas existsuntil “fixed seating has been taken.' Below please find a practicalguideline for implementing the mouth-and-nose covering requirement in variouswork areas:

Libraries and warehouses:

If a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is strictlyobserved, there is no requirement to wear a mouth-and nose covering

  • a. while carrying out work in sitting in offices orduring meetings (once a seat has been taken)
  • b. in counter areas that are equipped with a protectivetransparent barrier
  • c. in the warehouse areas
  • d. in the workshops
  • e. for employees who are alone in an office, even ifnot sitting.

Even if a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is strictlyobserved a requirement to wear a mouth-and-nose covering exists

  • a. when the employee leaves the work area (i.e., allareas named under 1.)
  • b. until employees have taken their seats at a meeting
  • c. when visiting another office / area (until taking aseat)
  • d. when the work area is also used by others as atraffic area, such as when sorting books in front of elevators

Laboratories and workshops:

  • Workspaces in laboratories are to be standardlyoccupied so that while taking the areas for moving about into consideration, theminimum distance of 1.5 metres (or 2.5 m for work spaces opposite each other)can be reliably observed. Employees may remove their mouth-and-nose coverings oncethey have reached their workspace.
  • Workspaces used by more than one employee (e.g.,certain devices, function rooms) can only be used in alternation without amouth-and-nose covering if their crossing pathways accommodate the minimumdistance of 1.5 metres.
  • The ongoing use of workspaces in which the minimumdistance cannot be ensured is not allowed even with a mouth-and-nose covering.The short-term use of workspaces (e.g. elevators) in which the minimum distancecannot be observed is possible with a mouth-and-nose covering.
  • All corridors are considered traffic areas in thecontext of the Corona Regulation on Restricting Contact and Operations and thewearing of a mouth-and-nose covering is required.
  • In individual cases, structural preconditions may existto integrate a corridor area into a workspace in such a way that paths do notcross (e.g., separated laboratory areas without through traffic, radiationprotection areas, S2 laboratory areas). This is to be ensured by technical measures(door locking systems), or signage and instructions. In such cases, themouth-and-nose covering may also be removed.


  • There is no requirement to wear a mouth-and-nosecovering in single offices; the office qualifies as work area.
  • In offices with double occupancy, or where there istraffic with the public, there is a requirement to wear a mouth-and-nosecovering until taking a seat.

Statementof the coordination group for biological work substances of the DGUV (PDF)(German)

Furtherinformation (PDF) (German).

Virtual teaching: Access to Zoom licenses for university teaching staff and employees

In support of virtual teaching in the Sommer 2020 semester, Goethe University has concluded a license agreement with the provider Zoom, allowing Goethe University teaching staff and employees to use the service via their personal HRZ account. Since Zoom should be used exclusively for teaching, we request that this use is given priority by users and that other services (in particular Vidyo, are used for other purposes (e.g. committee work). You can find further information at https://zoom.uni-frankfurt.de sowie hier https://lehre-sose2020.uni-frankfurt.de/

Committee meetings can againbe carried out in-person for compelling reasons if they are not possible indigital form. A distance and hygiene concept, coordinated with the University Occupational Safety Office in advance, is necessary to carry outthese meetings. The distance and hygiene concept must always be created on thebasis and in observance of the current instructions provided by OccupationalSafety. Please send your questions about instructions and your concept to krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de.

As a rule, foodshould not be served during these meetings. In exceptional cases, individuallypackaged food and drinks may be offered, or an external caterer with anappropriate hygiene concept may be hired.

External guests / experts etc. may also take part incommittee meetings with a special access authorisation and after receivinginstructions / information beforehand. Whenever possible, a digital meetingformat is to be given priority.

Officialtravel is only possible in exceptional cases (e.g., the risk of serious adverseeffects on the success of a scientific project, loss of research funding, aresearch object that demands a specific time window, or the necessity ofon-site presence). Authorisationof official travel by the supervisor and dean's office in charge requires the advance review of the observance of the RKI standards and BMAS requirements. Regional travel restrictions and quarantinerules must also be followed. The completed checklist for official travel is tobe submitted along with the application for official travel.

a) Official travel within Germany

Official travel within German to areas which have beenclassified as high-riskareas by the RKI should be avoided. Only in exceptional cases which necessaryfor verifiable official reasons and after being reviewed may approval begranted by the supervisor and the dean's office.

Overnight stays should not take place if possible. If this is unavoidable,the regulations of the states in questions for overnight stays must be takeninto consideration in advance.

Official travel should be undertaken alone in an official or private vehicle. Theuse of a vehicle by more than one person is only allowed in justified exceptionalcases. A mouth-and-nose covering must be worn by all occupants for the durationof the drive, and sufficient ventilation must be ensured.

If the use of public transportation cannot be avoided, current regulations suchas the obligation to wear a mouth-and-nose covering, are to be observed.

b) Official travel outside of Germany

No official travel maytake place to regions with a travel warning from the foreign officeor which have beenclassified as high-risk areas by the Robert Koch Institute.If a travel warningis issued by the foreign office, or it is classified as a high-risk area by theRobert Koch Institute after approval has been granted for official travel, theapproval is deemed revoked and the trip may not be undertaken. Those undertaking official travel are required to check travel warnings and risk classifications on their own shortly before beginning travel.

If the official travel destination is declared ahigh-risk area during the trip (by either the RKI or the foreign office), the employeesmay make themselves decide whether the trip should be continued or aborted.

For travelers returning from a high-risk area on officialtravel, the following regulation applies:

An officialat-home quarantine must be observed for 10 days.

The quarantine may be lifted if a RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 taken five days after entry at the earliest has a negative result.

Individuals whohave tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 must observe a 14-day quarantine without aspecial order from the public health department. This also applies to allpersons living in the same household. Any individualswho have had contact with an infected person must also observe a 14-day quarantineat home. If children in the same household are subject to an official quarantine, working on site is not permitted during this period. Working on site is also not permitted if a red warning notification appears in the corona app. In coordination with the public health department and the crisis team (Krisenstab), working on-site may be permitted if negative test result (RT-PCR test) can be submitted. Anyone enteringGermany from an international high-risk area must also observe a quarantine inaccordance with current regulations. If you noticethat you or members of your family are showing symptoms, please contact yourdoctor. The same quarantine rule applies analogously for students.

Reporting procedure in case of suspectedinfection / instruction by health office to observe at-home quarantine

Employees areunconditionally required to report the following cases:

  • A confirmedSARS-CoV-2 infection of the employee or in the employee's household
  • Classificationas a category I contact with close contact (“increased' infection risk) asdefined by the RKI (including when a red warning notification appears in the corona app)
  • An order toobserve a quarantine/isolation by a public health department for a householdmember in verbal or written form
  • Quarantine/isolationdue to returning from a foreign high-risk area (§ 1 para. 1 of the Ordinance onthe Control of the Corona Virus of 13 March 2020 in the currently valid version)

In order to quickly break infection chains it isalso important to report when a corona test is ordered by doctor due tosymptoms or to contact with an infected person.


Employees are to inform their supervisors and the crisis team krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de or069/798-23688) without being asked. Verbal and written orders from the health departments must also be sent to personalabteilung@uni-frankfurt.de.

Please use this record sheet to inform the crisis team.

The basisof our procedure and our specifications are the RKI standards for contact tracing,as they are also applied by the health authorities

Vacation and quarantine risk

When planning upcoming vacations, please be aware that the Robert Koch Institute (RKI)deems certain countries to be high risk areas for SARS-CoV-2 infections.

When entering Germany from a high-risk area, a 10-day at-home quarantinemust be observed. The quarantine may be lifted if a RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 taken five days after entry at the earliest has a negative result.

Further details are on the pages of the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration (German).

When planning your vacation – also out of consideration for your colleagues- we therefore ask you to factor in foreseeable quarantine periods. Employees must either takevacation or reduce overtime hours for the duration of a foreseeable quarantine if, after prior consultation withtheir supervisors, it is not possible to work remotely or from home. A claim toremuneration by the employer only exists if the quarantine must beobserved through no fault of the employee. Anyone traveling to a regionthat has been determined to be a high-risk area accepts that this claim willbecome void.

If acountry is not deemed a high-risk area until after entry, no fault of theemployee exists. If possible, and in consultation with the supervisor, thequarantine period should then be used for remote work / work from home.

University buildings at the Westend, Bockenheim, Riedberg and Ginnheim locations are still closed to the public, but they may be used by university members under strict observance of the RKI standards. This applies to all buildings in which work is carried out that is indispensable for the organisation of teaching, research and administration. These buildings may be entered using card key locks or staffed main entrances. Access is regulated individually at each location (e.g., through existing closures, lists with the porters).

Media can beborrowed and returned on site at the university library (UB JCS); lending sevices are again available to all users. Face masks are obligatory in all buildings,i.e., entry is only allowed with a mouth-and-nose covering.

At all locations,access using the GoetheCard or library cards is monitored by security. Lending/returningand information desks are only accessible without ID at the main library. Thenumber of people who can be in the rooms at the same time is limited at alllocations. To enter the library centres for the humanities and the library ofsport sciences, an entrance ticket has to be booked in advance using a ticketsystem, and the ticket shown at the admission control: https://buchung.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/zeit/

Universitylibrary locations (UB JCS) can again be used to a limited extent by GoetheUniversity students and employees as a place of study under compliance with theRKI standards and after advance booking of a workspace (https://buchung.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/zeit).Users who only have a library cards are only admitted to the main library. Out ofconsideration for others, we ask all users who cannot use the timeslot theybooked to please cancel it and make it available for someone else.

The campusbook delivery service for Goethe University employees will continue to beprovided: www.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/corona/buch.html .

You can find detailedinformation on all services currently being provided in the library'sservice monitor (German).

Wearing amouth-and-nose covering

The wearing of amouth-and-nose covering is also obligatory for all UB JCS visitors. Thisrequirement also applies to all corridors throughout the buildings. It is now also required to wear a mouth-and-nose covering when sittingat a reserved workspace.

Due toincreasing demand and with a view toward the coming winter semester, selected Studentenwerkfood services will again take up operations in the coming weeks under corona requirements. In the canteens and cafeterias, as in all Goethe University buildings, youare required to wear a mouth-and-nose covering until you have taken your seat.

Westend Campus:
21/09/2020 – Mensa Anbau Casino
05/10/2020 – Café Explizit
12/10/2020 – DASEIN

Already opened: The CampuService-operated Café “Sturm & Drang' will continue toprovide snacks and a small selection of warm dish in the to-go area from Mondaythrough Friday between 9 am and 4 pm, and Saturdays between 11 am and 5 pm. Theopening hours may be adjusted according to demand and can always be viewed atthe website www.cafe-sturm-und-drang.de .

Campus Bockenheim:
05/10/2020 - Cafeteria

Campus Riedberg:
21/09/2020 – Level – is already open; beginning on 21/9 seating willagain be provided for eating on-site.

Preliminary opening hours: Until further notice – Monday through Friday 9am – 3 pm (warm meals 11:30 am – 2 pm); at the Mensa Anbau Casino Mondaythrough Friday between 11 am – 3 pm (warm meals 11 am – 2 pm; no snacks).Studentenwerk will provide a small selection of sandwiches, baked goods, sweetsand beverages there beginning at 9 am and from 11/11:30 am two warm dishes thatchange daily, one of which will be either vegetarian or vegan.

Due to limited seating, all dishes will continue to be available astake-out.

Information on dates, opening hours and the individual registration requiredfor using the cafeterias which is necessary for corona reasons can be foundstarting on the week of September 14 at the Studentenwerk website www.studentenwerkfrankfurt.de.

In accordance with the updated Coronavirus Regulation of the State of Hessen forreducing the currently high number of coronavirus infections which goes intoeffect on 1 December, no additional events may be permitted in addition to the in-personevents and courses which have already been approved. This also applies toscientific meetings and conferences, which due to the likely interest bothdomestically and abroad and the travel this would entail could contribute to anincrease in the number of contacts and thus also to an increase in infections.Meetings and conferences can therefore only take place in digital form at thistime.

Regulations for examinations and internships may differin part. You can find them at the following links: examinations teaching (in German).

Pockettransmitters /headsets can no longer be loaned for use during the pandemic. It is notpossible to disinfect the microphones. At this time, only handheld microphonesmay be used. If you are planning a purchase from your own funds, you must firstcontact HRZ Medientechnik, as the transmitters have to be compatible with theinfrastructure in the room: mt-support@uni-frankfurt.de

Templates for creating hygiene concepts for different forms of in-person events
>> Coronavirus toolbox

For any urgent further questions concerning official matters please send an email to krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de. Please include your full details and a telephone number for queries.

You can contact the offices for Occupational Health and Safety and for Biological Safety under 069/798-23688.

The State of Hessen has set up a hotline for citizens' questions regarding coronavirus, Tel.: 0800/555-4666, Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 20:00.

  • © 2004-2020 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Dear Goethe University employees: Below you will find information on coronavirus-compatible occupational health and safety, which will of course be updated and extended as the situation develops.

To the extent that their tasks and technicalequipment allow, and as long as their physical presence at their workplace isnot required, Goethe University employees should work remotely in in homeoffice in coordination with their supervisor until further notice. Employeeswhose presence is required for the maintenance of teaching, administration andinfrastructure operation may work on site at the university under strictobservance of the RKI standards. This includes employees in technicaloperations and administration, researchers and university teaching staff.Researchers are requested to give priority to research work and tasks that canbe carried out remotely or from home. For research projects on the campuses,RKI standards also apply.

Before commencing work, employees must be briefed (see documentation form under information sheets and documents).

RKI regulations for working at computer/office work spaces and in laboratories

  • Until further notice,the SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety standards of the Federal Ministry of Labourand Social Affairs and the standards in the corresponding instructions of theState of Hesse continue to apply to office and evaluation spaces: Officespaces, regardless of their previous occupancy, may only be occupied by oneperson. If capacities on site are not sufficient for this, alternating workshould be organised: switching between working from the office and from home orremotely, as well as employees alternating their use of the office.
    If occupancy byseveral employees is absolutely necessary for official reasons (maintainingoperations and infrastructure / or of teaching and research), this is onlypossible with advance clearance from the university Occupational Safety Office.It must be reviewed in advance whether the use of additional technicalprotective measures is necessary, and whether the ventilation requirements canbe complied with. Please direct your questions to krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de.
  • Laboratory spaces may only occupied so that depending on their size, a distance of at least 2 metres is guaranteed.
  • Office and laboratory spaces must be sufficiently ventilated, and/or be regularly aired;
  • Regular cleaning of surfaces and sanitation facilities must be ensured;
  • The personal measures for infection protection in accordance with the RKI provisions must be observed:
    • Hand hygiene (washing with soap for at least 20 seconds)
    • Keeping distance (at least 2 metres),
    • Cough and sneezing etiquette (cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm).

In those units that are necessary for maintaining emergency operations, effective substitute regulations must be made in coordination with supervisors.

Risk Groups

Please take special note: special protectivemeasures must be taken for employees who belong to a risk group. Please see this document for explanations on RKI risk groups. Please note: a risk evaluation is very complex, and an unambiguousdesignation of belonging to a risk group is therefore not possible. A medicalevaluation in the form of a confirmation by doctor's certificate or attestation(issued by a specialist or family physician) is therefore is necessary. This isto be submitted to human resources on request. The doctor's attestationcertifies that you are “a person with an increased risk for a severe COVID-19disease progression' in accordance with the information and support by the RKI (German). The precise diagnosis should not be stated. The attestationwill not be put on file.

Individuals with an increased risk for a severe COVID-19 disease progression may not have changing contacts with the general public / customers. It must be checked whether this can be ensured, for example by working alone ina single office or by alternating a workspace. It should also be checked whether working remotely or from home is feasible.If these measures are ruled out, the employees in question are to be releasedfrom work.This also applies to employees who live in the same household with individuals in need of care. Parents of children who due to the closure of day-care facilities and schools are unable to organise care for their children may also work remotely or from home in consultation with their immediate supervisor. Special regulations also apply for employees who are pregnant (PDF, German)


Despite regularoperations in childcare facilities and schools, many parents are still obliged to take careof their children on a greater scale. The option of working from home orremotely in coordination with one's supervisor continues therefore to be the preferred choice in such cases. If, due to (partial)closures, you cannot perform your work or can only do so partially due tothe care situation, a (partial) release from work is possible under certainconditions. You can find the process flow including the correspondingrequirements and necessary documentation here (German).

Forms (German):


If you areill and the submission of a certificate of incapacity on the third day ofillness is currently not possible in time, it should be submitted as soon aspossible. Failing to submit the initial or subsequent certificate will notresult in disciplinary action for the time being. In the event of prolongedillness, however, it is important that the certificate of incapacity issubmitted to the personnel services department in a timely manner to ensure thecontinued payment of salary. The submission of the certificates as a scan is acceptableas a temporary solution; the originals may be sent afterward by post.

Home office / working remotely

According to the SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety standards of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs “Office work (...) is to be carried out from home if possible, especially if office spaces have to be used by several people with insufficient safety distance.' Determining whether it is possible for tasks to be fulfilled from home or remotely must be done in consultation with one's supervisor. For remote work or work from home, the daily planned working time applies. Furthermore, it is possible to work in an office on site if the RKI standards are observed. If it is neither possible to work on site under observance of the RKI standards, nor from home or remotely, employees are to be sent home with pay until further notice. These rules also apply for work performed by auxiliary staff or student/research assistants.


Vacation already approved is to be taken as planned – also for reasons of solidarity with other employees regarding the distribution of work and free time. There is no right of cancellation. In exceptional cases, a mutual agreement can be made between employees and supervisors for a different vacation period if that employee's work is urgently needed during the originally planned vacation period.

Options provided by the University Computing Centre for using IT services from home:

For thosereturning from international high-risk areas the following regulation applies:

An official at-homequarantine must be observed for 10 days. The quarantine may be lifted if an RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 taken five days after entry at the earliest has a negative result.

Due the changed pandemic situation, the city of Frankfurt decreed througha change on 27 October 2020 to the general ruling that a mandate to wear amouth-and-nose covering also extends to public spaces outside of buildingsbeginning immediately. This also applies to the open spaces on GoetheUniversity's Westend Campus. Here, too, the wearing of a mouth-and-nose coveringis now mandatory for all persons on the premises.

In accordance with the updated Coronavirus Regulation of the State of Hessen whichgoes into effect on 1 December 2020, a mouth-and-nose covering must between worn intraffic areas, event rooms, meeting rooms and examination rooms at GoetheUniversity.

According to the state regulation, the obligation to wear mouth-and-nose protection in work areas existsuntil “fixed seating has been taken.' Below please find a practicalguideline for implementing the mouth-and-nose covering requirement in variouswork areas:

Libraries and warehouses:

If a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is strictlyobserved, there is no requirement to wear a mouth-and nose covering

  • a. while carrying out work in sitting in offices orduring meetings (once a seat has been taken)
  • b. in counter areas that are equipped with a protectivetransparent barrier
  • c. in the warehouse areas
  • d. in the workshops
  • e. for employees who are alone in an office, even ifnot sitting.

Even if a minimum distance of 1.5 metres is strictlyobserved a requirement to wear a mouth-and-nose covering exists

  • a. when the employee leaves the work area (i.e., allareas named under 1.)
  • b. until employees have taken their seats at a meeting
  • c. when visiting another office / area (until taking aseat)
  • d. when the work area is also used by others as atraffic area, such as when sorting books in front of elevators

Laboratories and workshops:

  • Workspaces in laboratories are to be standardlyoccupied so that while taking the areas for moving about into consideration, theminimum distance of 1.5 metres (or 2.5 m for work spaces opposite each other)can be reliably observed. Employees may remove their mouth-and-nose coverings oncethey have reached their workspace.
  • Workspaces used by more than one employee (e.g.,certain devices, function rooms) can only be used in alternation without amouth-and-nose covering if their crossing pathways accommodate the minimumdistance of 1.5 metres.
  • The ongoing use of workspaces in which the minimumdistance cannot be ensured is not allowed even with a mouth-and-nose covering.The short-term use of workspaces (e.g. elevators) in which the minimum distancecannot be observed is possible with a mouth-and-nose covering.
  • All corridors are considered traffic areas in thecontext of the Corona Regulation on Restricting Contact and Operations and thewearing of a mouth-and-nose covering is required.
  • In individual cases, structural preconditions may existto integrate a corridor area into a workspace in such a way that paths do notcross (e.g., separated laboratory areas without through traffic, radiationprotection areas, S2 laboratory areas). This is to be ensured by technical measures(door locking systems), or signage and instructions. In such cases, themouth-and-nose covering may also be removed.


  • There is no requirement to wear a mouth-and-nosecovering in single offices; the office qualifies as work area.
  • In offices with double occupancy, or where there istraffic with the public, there is a requirement to wear a mouth-and-nosecovering until taking a seat.

Statementof the coordination group for biological work substances of the DGUV (PDF)(German)

Furtherinformation (PDF) (German).

Virtual teaching: Access to Zoom licenses for university teaching staff and employees

In support of virtual teaching in the Sommer 2020 semester, Goethe University has concluded a license agreement with the provider Zoom, allowing Goethe University teaching staff and employees to use the service via their personal HRZ account. Since Zoom should be used exclusively for teaching, we request that this use is given priority by users and that other services (in particular Vidyo, are used for other purposes (e.g. committee work). You can find further information at https://zoom.uni-frankfurt.de sowie hier https://lehre-sose2020.uni-frankfurt.de/

Committee meetings can againbe carried out in-person for compelling reasons if they are not possible indigital form. A distance and hygiene concept, coordinated with the University Occupational Safety Office in advance, is necessary to carry outthese meetings. The distance and hygiene concept must always be created on thebasis and in observance of the current instructions provided by OccupationalSafety. Please send your questions about instructions and your concept to krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de.

As a rule, foodshould not be served during these meetings. In exceptional cases, individuallypackaged food and drinks may be offered, or an external caterer with anappropriate hygiene concept may be hired.

External guests / experts etc. may also take part incommittee meetings with a special access authorisation and after receivinginstructions / information beforehand. Whenever possible, a digital meetingformat is to be given priority.

Officialtravel is only possible in exceptional cases (e.g., the risk of serious adverseeffects on the success of a scientific project, loss of research funding, aresearch object that demands a specific time window, or the necessity ofon-site presence). Authorisationof official travel by the supervisor and dean's office in charge requires the advance review of the observance of the RKI standards and BMAS requirements. Regional travel restrictions and quarantinerules must also be followed. The completed checklist for official travel is tobe submitted along with the application for official travel.

a) Official travel within Germany

Official travel within German to areas which have beenclassified as high-riskareas by the RKI should be avoided. Only in exceptional cases which necessaryfor verifiable official reasons and after being reviewed may approval begranted by the supervisor and the dean's office.

Overnight stays should not take place if possible. If this is unavoidable,the regulations of the states in questions for overnight stays must be takeninto consideration in advance.

Official travel should be undertaken alone in an official or private vehicle. Theuse of a vehicle by more than one person is only allowed in justified exceptionalcases. A mouth-and-nose covering must be worn by all occupants for the durationof the drive, and sufficient ventilation must be ensured.

If the use of public transportation cannot be avoided, current regulations suchas the obligation to wear a mouth-and-nose covering, are to be observed.

b) Official travel outside of Germany

No official travel maytake place to regions with a travel warning from the foreign officeor which have beenclassified as high-risk areas by the Robert Koch Institute.If a travel warningis issued by the foreign office, or it is classified as a high-risk area by theRobert Koch Institute after approval has been granted for official travel, theapproval is deemed revoked and the trip may not be undertaken. Those undertaking official travel are required to check travel warnings and risk classifications on their own shortly before beginning travel.

If the official travel destination is declared ahigh-risk area during the trip (by either the RKI or the foreign office), the employeesmay make themselves decide whether the trip should be continued or aborted.

For travelers returning from a high-risk area on officialtravel, the following regulation applies:

An officialat-home quarantine must be observed for 10 days.

The quarantine may be lifted if a RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 taken five days after entry at the earliest has a negative result.

Individuals whohave tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 must observe a 14-day quarantine without aspecial order from the public health department. This also applies to allpersons living in the same household. Any individualswho have had contact with an infected person must also observe a 14-day quarantineat home. If children in the same household are subject to an official quarantine, working on site is not permitted during this period. Working on site is also not permitted if a red warning notification appears in the corona app. In coordination with the public health department and the crisis team (Krisenstab), working on-site may be permitted if negative test result (RT-PCR test) can be submitted. Anyone enteringGermany from an international high-risk area must also observe a quarantine inaccordance with current regulations. If you noticethat you or members of your family are showing symptoms, please contact yourdoctor. The same quarantine rule applies analogously for students.

Reporting procedure in case of suspectedinfection / instruction by health office to observe at-home quarantine

Employees areunconditionally required to report the following cases:

  • A confirmedSARS-CoV-2 infection of the employee or in the employee's household
  • Classificationas a category I contact with close contact (“increased' infection risk) asdefined by the RKI (including when a red warning notification appears in the corona app)
  • An order toobserve a quarantine/isolation by a public health department for a householdmember in verbal or written form
  • Quarantine/isolationdue to returning from a foreign high-risk area (§ 1 para. 1 of the Ordinance onthe Control of the Corona Virus of 13 March 2020 in the currently valid version)

In order to quickly break infection chains it isalso important to report when a corona test is ordered by doctor due tosymptoms or to contact with an infected person.


Employees are to inform their supervisors and the crisis team krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de or069/798-23688) without being asked. Verbal and written orders from the health departments must also be sent to personalabteilung@uni-frankfurt.de.

Please use this record sheet to inform the crisis team.

The basisof our procedure and our specifications are the RKI standards for contact tracing,as they are also applied by the health authorities

Vacation and quarantine risk

When planning upcoming vacations, please be aware that the Robert Koch Institute (RKI)deems certain countries to be high risk areas for SARS-CoV-2 infections.

When entering Germany from a high-risk area, a 10-day at-home quarantinemust be observed. The quarantine may be lifted if a RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 taken five days after entry at the earliest has a negative result.

Further details are on the pages of the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration (German).

When planning your vacation – also out of consideration for your colleagues- we therefore ask you to factor in foreseeable quarantine periods. Employees must either takevacation or reduce overtime hours for the duration of a foreseeable quarantine if, after prior consultation withtheir supervisors, it is not possible to work remotely or from home. A claim toremuneration by the employer only exists if the quarantine must beobserved through no fault of the employee. Anyone traveling to a regionthat has been determined to be a high-risk area accepts that this claim willbecome void.

If acountry is not deemed a high-risk area until after entry, no fault of theemployee exists. If possible, and in consultation with the supervisor, thequarantine period should then be used for remote work / work from home.

University buildings at the Westend, Bockenheim, Riedberg and Ginnheim locations are still closed to the public, but they may be used by university members under strict observance of the RKI standards. This applies to all buildings in which work is carried out that is indispensable for the organisation of teaching, research and administration. These buildings may be entered using card key locks or staffed main entrances. Access is regulated individually at each location (e.g., through existing closures, lists with the porters).

Media can beborrowed and returned on site at the university library (UB JCS); lending sevices are again available to all users. Face masks are obligatory in all buildings,i.e., entry is only allowed with a mouth-and-nose covering.

At all locations,access using the GoetheCard or library cards is monitored by security. Lending/returningand information desks are only accessible without ID at the main library. Thenumber of people who can be in the rooms at the same time is limited at alllocations. To enter the library centres for the humanities and the library ofsport sciences, an entrance ticket has to be booked in advance using a ticketsystem, and the ticket shown at the admission control: https://buchung.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/zeit/

Universitylibrary locations (UB JCS) can again be used to a limited extent by GoetheUniversity students and employees as a place of study under compliance with theRKI standards and after advance booking of a workspace (https://buchung.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/zeit).Users who only have a library cards are only admitted to the main library. Out ofconsideration for others, we ask all users who cannot use the timeslot theybooked to please cancel it and make it available for someone else.

The campusbook delivery service for Goethe University employees will continue to beprovided: www.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/corona/buch.html .

You can find detailedinformation on all services currently being provided in the library'sservice monitor (German).

Wearing amouth-and-nose covering

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The wearing of amouth-and-nose covering is also obligatory for all UB JCS visitors. Thisrequirement also applies to all corridors throughout the buildings. It is now also required to wear a mouth-and-nose covering when sittingat a reserved workspace.

Due toincreasing demand and with a view toward the coming winter semester, selected Studentenwerkfood services will again take up operations in the coming weeks under corona requirements. In the canteens and cafeterias, as in all Goethe University buildings, youare required to wear a mouth-and-nose covering until you have taken your seat.

Westend Campus:
21/09/2020 – Mensa Anbau Casino
05/10/2020 – Café Explizit
12/10/2020 – DASEIN

Goethe Uni Frankfurt Mensa Casino

Already opened: The CampuService-operated Café “Sturm & Drang' will continue toprovide snacks and a small selection of warm dish in the to-go area from Mondaythrough Friday between 9 am and 4 pm, and Saturdays between 11 am and 5 pm. Theopening hours may be adjusted according to demand and can always be viewed atthe website www.cafe-sturm-und-drang.de .

Campus Bockenheim:
05/10/2020 - Cafeteria

Campus Riedberg:
21/09/2020 – Level – is already open; beginning on 21/9 seating willagain be provided for eating on-site.

Preliminary opening hours: Until further notice – Monday through Friday 9am – 3 pm (warm meals 11:30 am – 2 pm); at the Mensa Anbau Casino Mondaythrough Friday between 11 am – 3 pm (warm meals 11 am – 2 pm; no snacks).Studentenwerk will provide a small selection of sandwiches, baked goods, sweetsand beverages there beginning at 9 am and from 11/11:30 am two warm dishes thatchange daily, one of which will be either vegetarian or vegan.

Due to limited seating, all dishes will continue to be available astake-out.

Information on dates, opening hours and the individual registration requiredfor using the cafeterias which is necessary for corona reasons can be foundstarting on the week of September 14 at the Studentenwerk website www.studentenwerkfrankfurt.de.

In accordance with the updated Coronavirus Regulation of the State of Hessen forreducing the currently high number of coronavirus infections which goes intoeffect on 1 December, no additional events may be permitted in addition to the in-personevents and courses which have already been approved. This also applies toscientific meetings and conferences, which due to the likely interest bothdomestically and abroad and the travel this would entail could contribute to anincrease in the number of contacts and thus also to an increase in infections.Meetings and conferences can therefore only take place in digital form at thistime.

Regulations for examinations and internships may differin part. You can find them at the following links: examinations teaching (in German).

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Pockettransmitters /headsets can no longer be loaned for use during the pandemic. It is notpossible to disinfect the microphones. At this time, only handheld microphonesmay be used. If you are planning a purchase from your own funds, you must firstcontact HRZ Medientechnik, as the transmitters have to be compatible with theinfrastructure in the room: mt-support@uni-frankfurt.de

Templates for creating hygiene concepts for different forms of in-person events
>> Coronavirus toolbox

For any urgent further questions concerning official matters please send an email to krisenstab@uni-frankfurt.de. Please include your full details and a telephone number for queries.

You can contact the offices for Occupational Health and Safety and for Biological Safety under 069/798-23688.

The State of Hessen has set up a hotline for citizens' questions regarding coronavirus, Tel.: 0800/555-4666, Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 20:00.

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