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Cut Off Poker Meaning

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A condition of detachment or separation caused by using an iPod with headphones; being cut off or separated from others, despite their immediate presence, because the volume on iPod headphones is too loud.
My friend was trying to talk to me at the gym but I did not know because I was in iSolation.
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(1) One's turn to act during a hand. (2) To bet or raise. (3) Used to describe a game in which there is a lot of betting and raising. The other players in the hand naturally assume that the UTG player must have a monster, since they are pushing from early position. The button holds K-Q off-suit and folds, figuring that he is beat. The BB holds pocket sixes and also folds after some deliberation, assuming that he is also beat in the hand. The UTG player picks up the blinds. Poker Terms - Common Phrases and Acronyms. In poker, there is practically a library of poker terms that are commonly used. For the uninitiated, these terms can sound like a completely different language, when a poker player says, 'I flopped a belly buster on a rainbow board', when they are really saying that they have an inside straight draw, after the dealer dealt the first three cards, all.

Physical isolation=being away from any human beings to a point of madness
Mental isolation=being in a place full of the oppisote IQ
physical isolation=being put in a psycohospital and then hanging yourself
mental isolation=being in a room full of dumb asses
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Isolation is possibly the most boring thing in existence. It is the act of staying inside your house because you don’t want to catch a global pandemic of sort, most commonly COVID-19. It is recommended that you do isolate, even though while doing so you will probably be making TikToks or FaceTiming your toxic friends.
Have you been making TikToks and eatingtoo much in isolation?

Cut Off Poker Meaning Dictionary

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In poker, a technique in which a player reraises a weaker player's bet, trying to play himheads-up (one on one) by making it expensive for any other players to call.

Cut Off Poker Meaning Urban Dictionary

Bruce Lee: LaVarArrington used isolation on Warren Sapp and forced Urlacher, Shaq and Busta Rhymes to fold.
Jose Contreras: LaVar is a fucking monster at poker, I'd never sit down with him.
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Cut Off Poker Meaning Games

What Jack Pulinko feels is full onisolation
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A drinking game perfected in the East Coast of Canada that combines solitary confinement with liquor. Every participant must drink a handle of hard liquor in 45 minutes while isolated in their own personal room or confined space without any human interaction or communication. (Including cell phones, television, or even talking). The last person to finish their handle loses the game.
'We played Isolation last night.... It got fuckingsloppy'
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Dec 15 trending

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