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Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Gambling

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Gambling 4,0/5 7817 votes

The case of a missing college boy named Spencer Reid crosses his desk and he doesn't think twice about it, a year latter Aaron Hotchner discovers that Jason Gideon, the darling on the FBI, has been abducting and killing boys under his nose for years. Criminal Minds (US TV) (19634) Supernatural (497) NCIS (437) Harry Potter - J. This is in the same universe as my 'Life as a pretty boy' fic, where Reid is an undercover CIA agent posing as a male supermodel. These are snippets from before and after Reid meets each member of the BAU. Part 2 of Undercover pretty boy; Language: English Words: 14,485 Chapters: 7/7 Comments: 19 Kudos: 348 Bookmarks: 21 Hits: 13375.

The Secret Social Life of Dr. Spencer Reid Chapter 7

Garcia's house. The team hadn't realised just how 'persuasive' that girl could be – and they had experience on why not to argue with her and just do as she says – this was a step up for her. The team had been forced by Garcia to go to her house tonight. A 'BAU sleepover' she called it.

'What are we? 12 year old girls?' Hotch asked the other alpha-males; yes this included Reid.

'Don't start Aaron.' Garcia groaned. 'Just shut up and be the fun man you , may have the potential to be.' This earned her a glare to which she laughed.

'Hotch, man, no offense but that doesn't work as effectively when we're out of the office. It's actually weird how it's all intimidating in the office and not out of it.' Morgan laughed.

'So.' Kathryn dragged out the word. 'What are gonna do?' The team got very worried when they saw the sparkle in Pen's eye – well that and the smirk playing on her lips.

'Pen?' Emily asked sceptically. She didn't get a reply but Garcia did drag her and JJ into the kitchen. The males, and Kathryn, exchanged worrying glances, especially after they heard whispering emanating from the threesome.

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Shot

10 minutes later, they were all seated in a circle (at Penelope's command) a bottle in the middle and several alcoholic beverages – shots, gin, lager, vodka, brandy, cider, wine and numerous cocktails – as well as some snacks like crisps, chocolate, sweets and pretzels.

'So, you all have a choice.' The colourful blonde started.

'Oh god. What is it?' Hotch groaned.

'Shut up and don't interrupt. Anyway, as I was saying before I was very rudely interrupted,' she sent a glare that could almost beat Hotch's his way. 'You have three choices. Choice 1 is to play 'Spin the Bottle'. This of course would mean that you have to kiss whoever it lands on even if it lands on the same sex person. Choice 2 is to play 'I Never' and I'm sure you all know the rules to that.'

'Actually, erm I don't?' Reid asked more than stated, looking uncomfortable for the first time in weeks. This caused the group to smirk; Morgan being Morgan had to stifle a laugh.

Fanfiction Criminal Minds Reid

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Gambling

'Oh 187.' Pen tutted, shaking her head.

'Basically someone will say something eg; 'I've never kissed a guy'. Now, if you have kissed a guy then you take a drink but if you haven't then you don't drink. Got it?' JJ explained to which her reply was a faint nod.

'So what's choice 3?' Rossi asked, eyebrow raised. The other two games didn't appeal to him and he'd be damned if he had to kiss a guy from the 'spin the bottle' game. The very thought of it made him cringe. If word got out then it would ruin his 'ladies man' reputation. And that. Well, he just couldn't let that happen.

'Ahh, well hun. Choice number 3 is to play 'Truth or Dare' which we haven't played together in forever.' The bubbly blonde made sure to emphasise the 'forever' part. It wasn't that she wanted them to choose this one but she liked to know about her family. 'Spin the Bottle' would be entertaining but get boring after a while. They'd played 'Truth or Dare' before and she thought it was fun and secrets were certainly spilled. The problem was that they'd played it before. 'I Never' would ensure that her team told the truth. This game would make for some really juicy gossip.

'So how are we effectively gonna vote?' Prentiss asked.

'The best way would be to just raise your hands when the option you wish to participate in the most is called.' Hotch said, going into boss mode.

'Yes sir!' Kathryn mock saluted.

'Ok so.' Hotch started. 'Who wants to go for option 1 which was 'Spin the Bottle'?' Nobody put their hands up, much to the satisfaction of all of the men plus Garcia.

'Ok. Option 2 which was 'I Never'?' To this everyone put their hands up. Garcia was really happy with this outcome. The others didn't know what they were in for. She was going to embarrass them. How else would this be any fun?

'Ok. I'll go first cos it's my sleepover party and all. Everyone get a drink. Whatever you want.' She was surprised that Spencer actually didn't object, he just picked up a can of lager and opened it. Everyone else did the same thing. She figured that it was because lager was the safe bet – they wouldn't get too affected by it. 'Ok I'm starting now. I've never kissed another person of the same sex.' She smiled as Kathryn, Emily and JJ drank. However, when Morgan drank everybody was shocked.

'No way!' Emily shouted. 'The ladies man Derek Morgan has kissed another guy.' Everybody laughed as he stuttered.

'Hey! I was drunk … and in college.' Morgan explained, rather offended.

'You're turn player.' Garcia laughed.

'Fine.' He huffed. 'I've never, been so drunk that I can't remember what I've done.' To this, everybody; except for Morgan, drank. 'Seriously guys. Seriously? What kind of team do I work with. And Reid. Reid. Man. Seriously.' To say the man was astounded was an understatement. Who would've thought Reid was such a … bad boy.

'Ok my turn.' JJ stated as though they needed to know that fact. 'I've never … gotten a tattoo.' Emily, Kathryn (who everyone knew already had two – a black butterfly on her lower back and Spencer's name on the back of her neck), Morgan and Reid drank.

'Reid. How did we not know all of this? This is vital information.' Garcia scolded him, effectively making him feel like the average 8 year old boy getting told off by his parents.

'Sorry but in my defence, you never asked.'

'I didn't think you were such a … such a, rebel.'

'Yeah I have to agree Spence. You just don't seem the type.' JJ agreed along with the rest of them, other than Kathryn.

'Where is your tattoo?' Emily asked.

'Congratz kid. I think it's safe to say you had everyone played.' Rossi commended, somewhat proud of the man. He even clapped him on the back.

'Hey. It's not my fault you all make assumptions. It's on my right shoulder blade. It's a griffin tattoo. And anyway why are you all so focused on me. Morgan's the one that kissed a guy!' The young man exclaimed in a successful attempt to get the focus off him.

'Oh great. Thanks pretty boy. You'll pay for that.' This got everyone laughing. The look on Derek's face was what you would call priceless, which only made everyone laugh further.

Next was Hotch's turn. He had been thinking about what he could say. Even he had to admit that the game was definitely enlightening and interesting. He decided to say the first thing that came to his mind. 'I've never had a threesome.' This remark shocked everyone – not because they all thought he had but, because they didn't think Hotch would say something like that. Boy had they underestimated him. However, they were even more shocked when Reid drank. He had finished two cans already and was on his third! The worst part was that none of them were drinking a can per game. It was only sips. Reid and threesome. Wow! The team were astounded. His best friend looked proud of him.

Criminal Minds Fanfiction Reid Gambling

'Well I guess it's my turn, huh?' Spencer said uncertainly, uncomfortable by the stares and attention everyone was giving him. 'I've never screwed a girl in a club.' Now the tables were turned – Aaron Hotchner drank! The boss man! Aaron sensible, non-smiling, always serious Hotchner was adventurous. And apparently not as uptight as the team thought. Of course it didn't shock anybody when Rossi or Morgan drank, you know, because it was well, Morgan and Rossi.

Kathryn's turn. Everybody dreaded her turn – more so than Garcia's. In fact, they were all sure that all of them were going to be considered tame in comparison to hers. They were right. 'I've never taken part in kinky sex.' She sat there smugly as Spencer gave her evils. Prentiss, Rossi, Hotch and JJ drank along with the genius. To think they all thought they knew each other well.

Please review? It would be massively appreciated. Thanks for reading, alerting and favouriting. I appreciate that too :D

Spencer Reid x Reader.


Your eyes observe the empty room you’ve been kidnapped for 2 days. You just unblindfolded minutes ago and there’s no one in this room but you, chair you sit on, a desk and a lamp. It was all happened so fast, you were walking to the FBI building holding 2 cups of coffee for you and Spencer, but someone grab you and smashed your head really hard. Next thing you know, you are in this unknown place.

It was 3 days ago. The team got a case about a serial killer murdered young women. We still have no clue and profile about the unsub. All we knew that the unsub use knife to slashed the victim’s neck.

This place is so odd. No ventilation, no windows, only have one door. You couldn’t know what time is it, is it daylight or midnight. And you clearly can hear water splasing. Am i near pool? Or kids swimming in the pool?

“Help!” You yelled as loud as you can so anyone can hear you from this tiny hot room.

“YN.” Someone called your name from outside this room and he unlock the door. “YN YLN.” When that man walk inside the room, you recognized his face. “It is so good to see a familiar face,” he played his knife. “I was unpleasant killed those young girls because i don’t know them.”

“Wait, you’re the one who killed those innocent women?” You shocked when he confess. “What the fuck, Stephen?” You tried to open the robe from your body. You yelled hard to him. “You sick bastard Hale, let me go!”

He laughed uncontrollably. “YN YLN, or should i called you Mrs. Hale? Like the old times?” He walk slowly to you and put his knife over your red cheek. “It’s been a long time since i let you go away from me, ex wife.”

Hearing ‘ex wife’ thing makes you cringe. He was your ex husband few years ago. You divorced with him because he was an abusive man. He hurted you physically and mentally. He often threatened you with his knife he used now. He was a toxic for you, until you freed from him and you found Spencer.

“What do you want, Hale?” You asked him calmly.

Then he put his face before your face. “I want to see your blood splatting from your skin, i want to cut you off, i want to kill you!” He pulled your hair hard. Then he cut your neck a little.

It feels hurt so badly but you won’t yelled or something because it will make him more crazier than ever.

“Is it hurt, darling? Should i go deeper?” He cut you deeper and you can’t handle the pain anymore. You scream and tears coming out of your eyes. He pull out the knife and let your neck bleeding. “Uh i love it when you scream my love.” Then he pull out his phone from his pocket. “Lets call your bureau. See if they care about you or not.”

He put his phone on speaker.

“Hello this is SSA Aaron Hotcher, who am i speaking to?” You are so happy to hear Hotch’s voice. Garcia must be put tracker and she’s tracking his phone.

“Good evening, Mr. Hotchner. I have to warn you first, that this phone, the one i used to call you, is untraceable. So don’t waste your time.” “I have a surprise for you, here talk.”

He demanded you to talk. “Hotch, it’s me.” You talked to him weakly because of the pain in your neck. “I’m alright. Eveything is alright.” You glace at Hale.

“Oh, can she talk to Dr. Spencer Reid? That skinny guy?” He asked Hotch politely. What the hell? Is he trying to make things even worse?

“YN? YN are you okay? Are you alright? Did he hurted you? What happened?”

“Spence… I’m alright. Just a little cut. Uh i miss you Spence.” You glance at him again. He looked so offended. How you supposed to tell Spencer about Stephen and the location? He examine your habit since he called BAU. “Do you remember i told you i hate olives? Yeah i hate olives so much, it’s a toxic for my body.”

“Uh what?” Spencer is confused about what you said. “YN i don’t understand.”

You rolled your eyes, how could this eidetic can be so dumb in this situation. “I hate olives. And i could hear water splashes outside.”

You ever told Spencer that you had an ex husband named Stephen Hale. You hated him so much for ruined your life. And happened that he likes olives, so you made a code when you/him mention about Stephen, you or Spencer called him with olives.

Stephen realizes that you gave Spencer a clue and he broke his phone. “Bitch.”

He stabbed your abdomen and he left you alone in this room.