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Craps Table Big 6 8

Craps Table Big 6 8 4,4/5 2914 votes

What are the Big Six and Big Eight bet? In simplest terms, it is a play in craps when a player bets whether a six or an eight will be rolled before the seven. Basically, the dice are rolled until a six or seven comes up and the player wins or loses. With the Big Six, if the six comes before the seven, the player wins. I HAVE seen other bets in that corner. Specifically a 6-7-8 bet that pays even money if the next roll is 6, 7 or 8, and double for a hard 6 or hard 8. (My simple math says it's a zero edge bet. That can't be right, can it?) Nah, it's the same as the field with 2/12 only double (5.56% 14 even money, 2 double and 20 losses). Simply place your wager under the dotted line of either the 6 or the 8 on the far side of the craps table and hope that Lady Luck is on your side. Be careful not to fall victim to the “big 6” and “big 8” bets, which are exactly the same, but only pay 1:1.

  1. Craps Table Big 6 8 Ft
  2. Craps Table Big 6 8 Inch
  3. Craps Table Big 6 8 X 8
  4. Craps Table Big 6 8 X 10

It’s no surprise that multitudes of strategies have been developed around place betting the (6) & (8) as these numbers give the craps player one of the be best advantages of beating the casinos.

First of all, both the (6) and the (8) are the numbers likely to roll most often, next to the (7). There are 5 ways to roll (6), 5 ways to roll an (8), and 6 ways to roll a (7).

It doesn’t stop there. Here’s are some more advantages of Place Betting the (6) and/or (8).

Craps Table Big 6 8 Ft

  • Place Bets only need to be hit once to win, versus a Pass Line or Come Bet, which needs to be hit twice
  • The payout on a Place Bets exceeds that of Pass Line or Come Bets at lower betting levels
    • It takes approximately 5X odds before the benefits of PL/Come Bets exceed that of Place Bets
  • Place Bets can be made or taken down at any time the player wants versus PL/Come bets which are contract bets
  • The player controls the numbers that are bet, versus the roll of the dice being the determining factor
  • Already mentioned, the (6) and (8) are most likely to be rolled aside from the (7)
  • Betting both the (6) and (8) gives you a 10 to 6 advantage of one of your numbers hitting before the (7)
  • The house edge on place betting the (6) or (8) is only 1.52%, one of the lowest on the table

If the toolbox of strategies you bring to the craps tables does not include a (6) and (8) strategy, then it might be time to find one that works for you.

We’ll cover a few of the most popular, and some not-so-popular 6/8 strategies for you to assess and possibly include in your own repertoire of strategies.

Secrets Tip – Never bet the Big 6 or Big 8 located at the corners of the table. They carry a 9.09% House Edge versus Place Betting the same numbers for a 1.52% House Edge.

All examples include betting both the (6) and (8) on a $10 minimum craps table.

6 & 8 Collect and Press

  • Place Bet both the (6) and (8) for $12 each (Total $24)
  • Take these steps on the (6) and (8) independently
    • 1st Hit – Collect and rack the $14 in winnings (you now only have $10 of your money at risk)
    • 2nd Hit – Press your bet to $24
    • 3rd Hit – Collect and rack the $28 in winnings (now your up $20)
    • 4th Hit – Press your bet to $48
  • From here, you can either continue alternately ‘collecting’ and ‘pressing’ your bets through the end of the roll or take down your bets at any point in the progression you want.


6 & 8 One Unit Continuous Press

  • Place Bet both the (6) and (8) for $12 each (Total $24)
  • Take these steps on the (6) and (8) independently
    • 1st Hit – Win $14 – Press your bet by $6 to $18 (collect & rack $8)
    • 2nd Hit – Win $21 – Press your bet by $6 to $24 (collect & rack $15)
    • 3rd Hit – Win $28 – Press your bet by $6 to $30 (collect & rack $22)
    • 4th Hit – Win $35 – Press your bet by $6 to $36 (collect & rack $29)
  • Either continue to press one unit each time one of your numbers hits, or take down one or both of your bets at any point you want.


6 & 8 – $72 Regression

  • Place Bet both the (6) and (8) for $36 each (Total $72)
    • 1st Hit – Win $42
    • Immediately take both the (6) and (8) down to $12 each
    • You’re now positive $18 and only have casino winnings on the table
  • Use the (6) and (8) Collect and Press for the remainder of the shooter’s roll


6 & 8 – 1-3-2-6 Positive Progression Strategy

  • Place Bet both the (6) and (8) for $12 each (Total $24)
  • Take these steps on the (6) and (8) independently
    • 1st Hit – Win $14 – Drop $10 and press the bet to $36 (Net winnings = -$34)
    • 2nd Hit – Win $42 – Drop your bet to $24 (Net winnings = $18)
    • 3rd Hit – Win $28 – Drop $60 and press your bet to $72 (Net winnings = $0)
    • 4th Hit – Win $84 – Take all bets down (Net winnings = $168)
  • After taking your bets down and collecting your net winnings of $168, you can wait for the shooter’s roll to end or decide to start the betting progression over.


6 & 8 – $48 Hit and Spread

  • Place Bet both the (6) and (8) for $24 each (Total $48)
    • 1st Hit – Win $28
    • Immediately take the (6) and (8) down to $12 each
    • Add the (5) and (9) for $10 each
  • After the 1st Hit, you’ll now have 4 inside numbers covered for a $16 investment.
  • Utilize a collect and press strategy for the remainder of the roll.


6 or 8 – Low Roller Inside Spread

  • Place the (6) or (8) for $12 (Total $12)
    • 1st Hit – Win $14 – Rack $2 and place the opposite number for $12 (Net = -$10)
    • 2nd Hit – Win $14 – Collect and rack $14 (Net winnings = $4)
    • 3rd Hit – Win $14 – Rack $4 and place the (5) or (9) for $10 (Net winnings = $8)
    • 4th Hit – Win $14 – Rack $4 and place the opposite 5/9 for $10 (Net winnings = $12)
  • You now have all inside numbers covered AND a $12 profit.
  • Utilize the collect and press strategy for each number covered through the end of the roll.


6 or 8 – Low Roller Run Up

  • Place the (6) or (8) for $12 (Total $12)
    • 1st Hit – Win $14
      • Parlay your winnings and add $4 to your bet
      • Bet is now $30 – Total investment $16
    • 2nd Hit – Win $35
      • Parlay your winnings and add $1 to your bet
      • Bet is now $66 – Total investment of $17
    • 3rd Hit – Win $77
      • Take all bets down
  • Collect $126 in winnings ($14+$35+$77) from a total investment of $17
  • At this point, you can either start the strategy over or wait for the next shooter


There are many other variations out there, and if you didn’t find one you’re comfortable with above, a quick google search will uncover many, many more.

Keep in mind, no strategy will change the house edge (casino advantage) on the bets placed. The goal is find the betting strategy that works for you and your bankroll and apply it at the right times at the table.

Feel free to share your own (6) and (8) betting strategies in the comments below.


Craps Table Big 6 8 Inch

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Craps Table Big 6 8 X 8


If you have any questions, suggestions or recommendations, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

In the meantime…

Craps Table Big 6 8 X 10



There are more than 120 different bets that can be made at a craps table. There are bets that the dice will roll a natural, and there are bets that the dice will 'crap out.' In fact, it seems that for every bet you can make, there is an opposite bet. Additionally, there are hardways, buy bets, lay bets, one-roll bets, all-day bets, hopping bets, and many many more.

Table Layout Diagram

Craps Table Definitions
1. Place Bets 2. Don't Come Bets3. Do come buy Bets
4. Hardway Bets5. Do come buy bets6. Place Bets
7. Don't-come line8. Come bets9. Field Bets
10. Big 6 and Big 811. Don't-pass line12. Pass line
13. Odds Bet14. One-roll bets15. Horn bets
16. Odds Bet17. Pass line18. Don't-pass line
19. Big 6 and Big 820. Field Bets21. Come bets
22. Don't-come line

Different Table Bets

Pass Line

When you bet on the pass line as a right bettor, you are betting that the shooter will win by rolling a 7 or an 11 on the first throw of the dice, or that he will roll a number and repeat that number before a 7 is rolled. To make this bet, you put your bet on the pass line. The pass-line bet is paid at even money. This is a contact bet. Pass-line and come bettors actually have an advantage over the house on the come-out roll. Because there are eight ways to win and only four ways to lose, you have a 2-to-1 odds favor. However, the advantage clearly shifts to the house whenever a point is established. That is why the pass-line and come bets (contract bets) cannot be picked up or changed after a point is established. This is the price the house exacts for being generous during the come-out roll.


Don't Pass

Don't pass is the opposite of a pass line bet. On the come-out roll you win on a 2, 3, or 12 (12 is a tie, or push in some casinos; others use 2 as a tie). You lose if a 7 or an 11 appears on the first throw. You win if the shooter throws a 7 before making the pass-line point. The don't pass area is known as the 'back line.' When the back line wins the dealer will say, 'Pay the back line.' This bet is paid at even money.



When you place your wager in the 'come' spot, which you can do yourself, you are betting on the very next throw of the dice. You win even money if 7 or 11 comes up, and you lose on 2, 3, or 12. If none of these numbers are thrown, your bet will go on the number that did appear, and you'll win when that number is thrown again. You'll lose if a 7 appears first.


Big 6 and Big 8

This is a bet you can place yourself on the spot marked Big 6 or Big 8. It pays even money when a 6 or 8 is rolled. You lose if the 7 comes up, and nothing happens as long as other number continue to appear. It is an all-day bet, and you can remove the bet at any time. The house edge is 9.09 percent.


Don't Come Bet

This bet is opposite of the come bet. You win if the next throw is a 12 or a 3 (2 is usually a tie; some casinos use 12 as a tie), and you lose if a 7 or an 11 comes up. Otherwise, your wager goes against the number thrown, and you win if the shooter throws a 7 before the come number appears.



Another way you can bet is to 'place' a number. When you place a number you select the point yourself instead of making a come bet and waiting for a point to be established by a throw of the dice. This bet can be made at any time. To wager on a number, after the come out roll, you simply tell the dealer at your end of the table that you want to place the 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10. Do not reach across the come line; just toss your chips towards the dealer so he can reach them. The dealer will take your chips and place the bet in a specific spot on the edge of the number so that he can identify whose bet it is.



This is a one-roll bet that you can make at any time. You are betting that 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, or 12 will appear on the next throw of the dice. You win even money on 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11. Many casinos will pay double on 2 or 12, and some casinos will pay triple on 12. You will lose the field bet if 5, 6, 7 or 8 appears.


Proposition Bets

Proposition bets are in the center of the table, directly in front of the stickman, who is responsible for placing them. These bets are used for a wide variety of both one-time roll and all-day wagers, with large payoffs that you can take at any time. To wager on a specific proposition bet you toss your chips towards the stickman (not one of the dealers) and announce what bet you would like to make (for example, '$5 on a hard 4'). The stickman will place the bet for you. When you win one of these bets, the stickman will instruct the dealer at you end of the table about the correct payout, and the dealer will pay your winnings.